Selection criteria
ACN will facilitate the nomination and selection process in line with the below selection criteria. Your innovation:
- Addresses the challenges that are present in your environment for those seeking a healthcare solution.
- Makes a significant contribution to nurses and/or the nursing profession and contributes to better health outcomes for the Australian community.
- Showcases a novel approach taken by nurses that reflects the holistic and integrated philosophy underlying nursing care.
- Demonstrates an innovative intervention or fresh take on a model of care that resolved a problem in the delivery of health care or addressed an unmet health need of a population.
- Is proving to be a success.
- Was a cost-effective response to an identified issue.
- The solution can be replicated in other towns, cities, regions across Australia.
Frequently asked questions
Any nurse who has demonstrated leadership by bringing new thinking to a particular healthcare challenge can be nominated.
Yes, you can. Be proud of what you have achieved and share your innovation, your achievement and what it means to the people it impacts.
Yes, they will. And if you are nominating someone else, don’t worry if you don’t know all the details surrounding the innovation, but please make sure you leave contact details for your nominee.
The assessment will be against these selection criteria. Your innovation:
- Addresses the challenges that are present in your environment for those seeking a healthcare solution.
- Makes a significant contribution to nurses and/or the nursing profession and contributes to better health outcomes for the Australian community.
- Showcases a novel approach taken by nurses that reflects the holistic and integrated philosophy underlying nursing care.
- Demonstrates an innovative intervention or fresh take on a model of care that resolved a problem in the delivery of health care or addressed an unmet health need of a population.
- Is proving to be a success.
- Was a cost-effective response to an identified issue.
- The solution can be replicated in other towns, cities, regions across Australia.
Download the Trailblazers Award Information pack for all the details.
For more information about the Health Minister’s Award for Nursing Trailblazers, please download the information pack.
Past Trailblazers

Professor Lorna Moxham FACN

Stephanie Dowden

Professor Marion Eckert MACN

Dr Nina Sivertsen MACN

Lauren Barber MACN

Professor Caleb Ferguson FACN

Tammy Harvey

Toni Slotnes-O’Brien MACN

Claire Lane MACN

Professor Josephine Chow MACN

Dr Kate Holliday MACN

Sonia Martin MACN

Carey Blaik MACN

Julie Westaway MACN

Lisa Hellwege MACN

Shannon Wallis MACN

Matiu Bush

Lorna Cook MACN

Nikki Johnston OAM MACN

Professor Sandy Middleton FACN

Professor Jeanine Young FACN