Aged care crisis extends beyond COVID-19

Employing additional Registered Nurses in aged care, and training and accrediting all unregulated health care workers (also known as personal care workers) has been demonstrated to provide better quality care for older Australians and could have potentially reduced the spread of COVID-19 in residential aged care facilities. “The Australian College of Nursing extends its condolences…

Australia’s peak health groups call for all children to be released from immigration detention

Australia’s peak health groups call for all children to be released from immigration detention Australia’s peak health professional bodies have today joined together to call on the Government to immediately release all children and their families from immigration detention in Australia and Nauru. Our organisations represent a wide range of health professionals who have seen, first-hand, the devastating…

ACN Attends 3rd Migrant And Refugee Women’s Health partnership Meeting

ACN ATTENDS 3RD MIGRANT AND REFUGEE WOMEN’S HEALTH PARTNERSHIP MEETING The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) attended the third Migrant and Refugee Women’s Health Partnership meeting in Melbourne last week. The Migrant and Refugee Women’s Health Partnership was officially launched in November 2016. The Partnership is a national initiative bringing together health professionals and community…

Australian Government Health Budget Overview 2017-18

Australian Government Health Budget Overview 2017-18 Tonight, Australian College of Nursing (ACN) representatives attended the Australian Government 2017-18 Budget briefing by the Hon Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health, Minister for Sport. The following provides an overview of the Health Budget as outlined in the Government’s Health Budget 2017-18 Fact Sheets available here. Guaranteeing Medicare…

ACN advocates for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers to access quality health

ACN ADVOCATES FOR THE RIGHTS OF REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS TO ACCESS QUALITY HEALTH Refugees and asylum seekers often have considerable health needs arising from psychological trauma, nutritional deficiencies, poor oral health status, poorly managed chronic diseases and the physical consequences of torture or sexual abuse. At the National Nursing Forum in Brisbane yesterday, the…