Lisa donned in full PPE while testing at the towers

‘I would do it again in a heartbeat’: COVID-19 testing in Melbourne’s Public Housing Towers

Lisa in full PPE during her time COVID-19 testing in the Tower’s On 4 July, around 3,000 residents inside nine Melbourne Public Housing Towers were placed into lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In difficult circumstances, a dedicated group of health professionals and emergency services personnel entered the towers to provide essential health services…

#COVID-19: From research to a clinical role

Samantha Prime is a final year PhD candidate of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), her field of research is paediatric respiratory illnesses. She talks to the Australian College of Nursing about suspending her thesis and commencing work at a COVID19 clinic. Elaborating on her current role, Samantha says, “For the last seven years I have…


Praise for nurses working in Coronavirus areas

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has praised nurses for their role in treating and controlling the spread of the Coronavirus. ICN President Annette Kennedy wrote to the Chinese Nursing Association to convey her “admiration and solidarity to all the nurses in the region who are continuing to work in such difficult circumstances.” “Providing nursing…