Bangka Island Nurse honoured in Last Post Ceremony

Bangka Island Nurse honoured in Last Post Ceremony

Image Source: Evgeny Freyer on Shutterstock On Wednesday, 15 March 2023 at 4:45pm, the Australian War Memorial will hold a Last Post Ceremony to commemorate the life of Australian Army Nursing Service nurse Sister Nancy Harris.   Sister Harris died on 16 February 1942 as part of the Bangka Island Massacre alongside 21 of her Australian…

Study tour scholarship winners announced

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) is delighted to announce that Dr Carey Mather MACN, Paul Gardner MACN, Dr Gillian Ray-Barruel MACN and Janette Webster MACN have been selected as the recipients of our Nursing Study Tour Scholarships. These nurse leaders will receive $5,000 towards attending the Jon Baines Nursing Study Tour to South Africa…