The below references and additional resources is for the article, The importance of perseverance, relating to ACN’s advocacy and policy work published from The Hive, Issue #48, Summer 2024/25 edition.
Pre-budget submission 2024-2025
Review of General Practice Incentives
Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce – Scope of Practice Review (Cormack Review)
Cormack review
Issues paper 1
ACN’s response
Issues paper 2
ACN’s response
Media release plus a statement from Australia’s peak nursing and midwifery organisations
National Nursing Workforce Strategy
ACN’s response:
Draft National Workforce Strategy
Registered Nurse Prescribing guidelines
The Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2023
Bill amendment
Explanatory notes
Statement of compatibility
This link takes you straight to the PDF of the Statement of Compatibility which explains how the bill or the changes to the bill address the Human Rights Act 2019.
Bill amendment page
Submission no. 7
This link will take you directly to ACN’s submission:
Watch how it proceeded
This link will take you to the video of proceedings. You may have to sign in before you can access the video but it is well worth it to see how the process works.
From September 2024
This link will take you to the Queensland Cabinet and Ministerial Directory to a media statement, Expanded access to termination of pregnancy services in Queensland.,such%20as%20MS%2D2%20Step
Parliament of Australia
This link will take you to the Parliament of Australia website, specifically to the Inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system.
You will have to search through to submission 87 and tick the download box to download ACN’s response.
Braun 2024
Braun K. Looking back to look forward-the history of VAD laws in Australia and future law reform in the Australian territories. Med Law Rev. 2024 Feb 26;32(1):42-60. doi: 10.1093/medlaw/fwad030. PMID: 37695300; PMCID: PMC10896628.
The Bill and the explanatory notes on the website
This link will take you ACT Government’s ACT Legislation Register and the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023 page. Search here to the original explanatory statement and the subsequent revisions.
Standardised Nursing Terminology: Enabling comprehensive nursing data and analysis position statement
Achieving a Socialised Model of Healthcare in Australia with Nurse Leadership white paper
At the time of writing, the paper hadn’t been published. When it is, you can search for it on ACN’s Advocacy and Policy webpages under Find a policy document: