Nathan Saunders FACN

Nurse Leader and Health Manager Royal Australian Navy, ACN National Chair Military Faculty

Nathan Saunders began nursing in 1997 while undertaking his undergraduate nursing qualification at the University of Southern Queensland. He was appointed to the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) in 2002 as a Nursing Officer after completing a number of years in rural and remote healthcare in north and western Queensland. In his 22 years with the Navy he has deployed on many occasions across the world both at sea and ashore working with multinational forces in land and maritime activities. Nathan has served on operations in the Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Iraq and domestically in support of natural disasters and high-level Government activities. He has also participated in many international military exercises in Hawaii, Brunei, United Kingdom and around Australia as a senior health planner and advisor. Nathan has worked extensively in health management and leadership positions across his career including many governance and policy positions, strategic workforce management roles, and as Commanding Officer Joint Health Unit-Victoria and Tasmania. He was promoted to the rank of Captain in the Navy upon appointment as the Director of Fleet Health in January 2024. Highlights include his time as a Commanding Officer, being the first Nursing Officer posted to the Navy’s Submarine and Underwater Medicine Unit, and as the Health Engagement/Medical Security Cooperation Officer for Coalition Joint Task Force—Operation INHERENT RESOLVE in Iraq. Nathan’s academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Nursing, Masters of Remote Health Practice, Masters of Public Health, Masters of Health Management, and Masters of Defence and Strategic Studies and he has completed the Company Directors Course. His professional passions relate to leadership, governance and safety. He is a proud father to four teenage boys, all of whom share his penchant for being outdoors, especially if it involves boating, bush walking or the beach.