Earlier this year, the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) debuted our new Faculties. Replacing the Communities of Interest, the Faculties give like-minded ACN Fellows and Members in similar areas of practice the opportunity to connect, network and stay up to date with new research and news in their areas of expertise.
Last week in part one, we introduced the Adolescent and Young People, Disaster Health, Enrolled Nurses, Healthy Ageing and History Faculties
This week we hear from the Chairs of Leadership, Military Nursing, Next Generation, Nursing in the Community and Nursing Regulation on their motivations and goals for 2022.
The Leadership Faculty links nurses who have an interest in leadership. The Faculty provides opportunities for members to enhance their leadership skills and knowledge through mentorship, networking and sharing current evidence-based research and best practice guidelines. Members have access to leadership opportunities through neo, podcasts, webinars and face-to-face events.
Chair: Dr Catriona Booker FACN
“Do you feel as if you are an equal partner in the team? That your voice is being heard? That you have the skills and knowledge to handle tough moments? Leadership is about guiding and listening, and we have listened to you with our priorities.”

Military Nursing
The Military Nursing Faculty aims to support the Australian Defence Force, the Australian Public Service and contracted nursing staff in the defence space. The Faculty intends to provide strategic advice on polices and positions, support the military profession, and encourage engagement through networking, events and up to date news for those affiliated with the military.
Chair: Dr Amanda Garlick MACN
“Who are today’s military nurses, and what makes them so different from other nurses? Our Faculty welcomes all who want to know more about the requirements for military nursing and the underlying commitment to serving our country.”

Next Generation
The Next Generation Faculty aims to provide development opportunities and networking for early career nurses across Australia. The Faculty aims to help early career nurses develop professional identities as leaders and drivers of change for the future of Australia’s health care systems.
Chair: Lucy Osborn MACN
“We are here and we are excited to represent and advocate for the new and novice nurse, and our team are looking forward to connecting with likeminded groups.”

Nursing in the Community
The Nursing in the Community Faculty is a diverse group of health professionals who work in a wide range of service delivery settings and play a major role in the coordination and linking of consumers in our health care systems. The Faculty aims to bring sustainable nursing into the spotlight and develop a system that truly meets the health needs of the community.
Chair: Kitty Hutchison FACN
“Our nursing community has a wide breadth of skills possessed past the familiar hospital bedside. It is our time to step up and share what we know.”

Nursing Regulation
The Nursing Regulation Faculty is a network of nurses aiming to heighten awareness of regulation in the nursing profession. The Faculty facilitates building knowledge of nursing regulations and its application in practice, and members are called upon to provide advice and oversight regarding practice in both general and speciality practices.
Chair: Adjunct Professor Greg Rickard OAM FACN
“Nursing regulation is at the heart of our profession. We intend to develop a network of members of policy with implementation and support our state and territory groups to implement best practice nursing as it evolves.”

These Faculties are just some of the areas of interest offered by ACN. Other Faculties include Advanced Practice, Climate and Health, Cosmetics-Dermatology Nursing, End of Life Care, First Nations, Global Nursing, Legal and Ethical Issues, Nurse Informatics and Digital Health, and Rural Nursing and Midwifery. Find out more about the Faculties and how they can enhance your membership with ACN on our website.