Earlier this year, the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) debuted our new Faculties. Replacing the Communities of Interest, the Faculties give like-minded ACN Fellows and Members in similar areas of practice the opportunity to connect, network and stay up to date with new research and news in their areas of expertise.
For our two-part NurseClick series in the lead up to International Nurses Day, some of the Faculty Chairs have introduced themselves, the faculty expertise, and their goals for 2022.
In part one we hear from the Adolescent and Young People, Disaster Health, Enrolled Nurses, Healthy Ageing and History Faculties.
Adolescent and Young People Faculty
Adolescence is the phase of life between childhood and adulthood that encompasses elements of biological growth and social transition. In a time of transition, social, political and economic forces need to be considered for their influence on the health of young people. This Faculty brings adolescent and young people’s nurses together to provide strategic advice on policies and positions.
Chair: Associate Professor Lucie Ramjan MACN
“We aim to raise awareness of professional considerations in the nursing care of adolescents and young people and to engage with support nurses caring for adolescents and young people to enhance best practice opportunities. It is a special age to be working with.”

Disaster Health
Disasters disrupt the normal functioning of communities. Nurses respond to disasters in different ways, including as part of a government or non-government disaster medical assistance team, or in the community affected by the disaster. The Disaster Health Faculty facilitates a network of nurses interested in this area for best approaches to supporting nurses dealing with disaster.
Chair: Professor Alison Hutton FACN
“Imagine being in your own ward environment and you receive a call saying: prepare for the worst. You have over 100 causalities coming in. You have critically ill patients. Can you please set up, prepare and notify your staff. We will help you prepare, inform you how our jobs change and give insight in how to support each other during these moments.”

Enrolled Nurses
This Faculty is for members who wish to advocate for change, contribute to policy matters within Enrolled Nursing, and represent ACN. The faculty provides members with guidance from other Enrolled Nurses both as undergraduates and as graduates on approaching challenges in the workplace and how to succeed.
Chair: Shauna Wilson MACN
“Despite the diploma level standards, updated evidence-based practice and endless experience, Enrolled Nurses are not permitted to work to their full potential. Enrolled Nurses are all across our health care systems, and the Faculty aims to create a safe, aspirational environment for Enrolled Nurses to gain certified education, develop portfolios, collaborate with peers and influence policy.”

Aged Care Nursing
The Aged Care Nursing Faculty is for Fellows and Members who share interests in the pursuit of aged care. The Faculty provides opportunities for identification of best practice and major policy developments in aged care, as well as up-to-date news, research findings and networking opportunities.
Chair: Kay Richards FACN
“We support the premise of Ageing as developing and maintaining functional ability that enables wellbeing as we age. It is a lifelong focus on multiple factors and we want to support nurses to provide care no matter their consumers age or location, and support nurses as they themselves age.”

The History Faculty facilitates connections for Fellows and Members who have an interest in nursing history and historical research. The Faculty provides a forum for sharing news, research, scholarships and contributions to the promotion of nursing and health history and policy.
Chair: Dr Lesley Potter FACN
“We are very enthusiastic about raising awareness and advocating for the importance and influence of nursing history in the ACN membership and wider community. We hope to show the importance of nurses history on our wider nursing identity across the years.”
Look out for Part Two of the ‘Meet the Faculties’ coming soon, featuring Chairs from the Leadership, Military Nursing, Next Generation, Nursing in the Community and Nursing Regulation Faculties as they share why you should join them.