If you think attending the National Nursing Forum (NNF) just involves sitting in an auditorium, think again! The NNF is not your average nursing conference. In addition to plenary and concurrent sessions presented by high-calibre leaders, delegates receive access to a jam-packed, interactive program offering ample opportunities to network with like-minded nurses, expand their horizons and be motivated and re-invigorated.
We have picked out some of the highlights to look forward to. To find out more, make sure you check out the National Nursing Forum page.

1. Speed Leaders Session
Think speed dating but for professional conversations! The Speed Leaders Session enables delegates to have short, sharp conversations with experienced nurse leaders to gain knowledge and advice first-hand. Our Speed Leaders are renowned experts in their fields.

2. Gala Dinner
The Gala Dinner allows delegates to take a break from stimulating their grey matter and let their hair down! A highlight of the event, the Gala Dinner is the perfect opportunity to get dressed up, enjoy tasty treats and exciting entertainment, and dance the night away with colleagues from around the country. You can check out our Facebook photo album to get a feel for this exciting social event.

3. Oration, Investiture & Award Ceremony
This prestigious component of the NNF incorporates an Oration speech presented by an esteemed leader, the Investiture of new ACN Fellows who are being recognised for their contributions to the profession and ACN, and the presentation of ACN Grants and Awards which support nurses to pursue study and research. Check out the recordings from last year’s Oration, Investiture and Award Ceremony to get excited for what’s to come!

4. Poster Presentation
The Poster Presentation provides a unique opportunity to learn about ground-breaking nursing research, ask questions directly to the authors and have your say by voting for the best poster. Learn more by reviewing the posters that were presented at the 2022 NNF.

5. Panel discussions
Panel discussions are an engaging way for a group of experts to exchange insights and opinions. This year’s NNF will feature panel discussions with Health Minister’s Award for Nursing Trailblazers Finalists and ACN Board members. You can view a recording of the past ACN Board panel discussion for a look back at the 2022 NNF.

6. Networking events
The NNF attracts some of the brightest nursing minds from all corners of Australia and the event offers numerous networking opportunities allowing you to make invaluable connections, build your profile and seek advice. Some of the stand-out events include the Networking Drinks and Farewell Drinks.

7. Workforce Strategy Breakfast
The Workforce Strategy Breakfast provides a platform for nurses from various settings, career stages and geographic locations to get together to discuss challenges facing the profession and collaboratively brainstorm solutions. Check out some of the productive discussions we had in the Workforce Solutions Workshop at last year’s NNF for a taste of what to expect.

8. Faculty sessions
ACN offers 24 Faculty groups, including Aged Care Nursing, First Nations, Leadership and Military Nursing, allowing members to connect with peers who share similar areas of interest or practice. The Faculty sessions during the NNF are a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face with members of Faculties you belong to and find out more about Faculties you are interested in joining.
The 2023 National Nursing Forum, themed ‘Reflect, Replenish, Renew – a world of opportunities’, will take place at the Adelaide Convention Centre from 9-11 August 2023. Head to the National Nursing Forum page to find out more, view the full program and secure your ticket.