Image: Professor Deborah Hatcher MACN as she shares her wisdom to ACN Graduates at the Graduation Ceremony in Sydney.
Last week, nurses from across Australia joined together in Sydney, NSW to attend their graduation from the Australian College of Nursing (ACN).
Held in-person for the first time since 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event provided a special opportunity for graduates to meet their peers face-to-face and be presented with their testamur.
ACN was proud to confer students with their Graduate Certificates at the event and remotely, with almost 600 receiving their testamurs remotely.
ACN Director of Academic Studies, Dr Jacinta Kelly says she is proud to see so many graduates on stage in person.
“Each of these graduates has spent countless hours studying and engaging with their material to advance their knowledge in their fields of specialty” says Dr Kelly.
“I am proud of them all to get to graduation, especially as many are balancing work, families, and other commitments.”
Learn more about the night below.
Occasional Address by Professor Deborah Hatcher MACN
Graduating nurses were excited to see the Occasional Address presented by Professor Deborah Hatcher MACN. Currently the Dean of Western Sydney University, Professor Hatcher used her Occasional Address to inspire, motivate, and impart her expert advice to all graduates to help them succeed in their nursing careers.

Image: ACN Board Member Professor Donna Waters FACN at the Graduation ceremony.
Graduate Certificate graduations

Image: ACN Nurse Educators getting ready to welcome students to the Graduation ceremony.

Image: Students getting ready for the ACN Graduation ceremony.

Image: ACN Graduation teddy bears available for all ACN graduating students.
High Achiever Awards
Congratulations to the 16 students who were presented with a High Achiever Award for receiving the highest overall score in their Graduate Certificate.
They include:
Tamara Rose Murfet – Acute Care Nursing
Georgina Brick – Aged Care Nursing
Blair Kayla Duggan MACN – Breast Cancer Nursing
Georgie Louise McKenzie – Cancer Nursing
Maiken Clare Sedunary MACN – Child and Family Health Nursing
Ryley Tink – Community and Primary Health Care Nursing
Jessica Ann Daniel – Cosmetic Nursing
Ian Joshua Kersey Bone – Critical Care Nursing
Itzel Chavez MACN – Dermatology Nursing
Siobhan O’Doherty – Drug and Alcohol Nursing
Hannah Jayne Skidmore MACN – Leadership and Management
Geraldine Beronio – Orthopaedic Nursing
Nikaela Brooke Coulson MACN – Paediatric Nursing Studies
Amy Whelan – Palliative Care
Samantha McCrea – Perioperative Nursing
Charlotte Baynes-Murray – Stomal Therapy Nursing

Image: Nurses from 16 specialisations receive the High Achiever Award for their studies.
ACN President’s Award
The ACN President’s Award is presented each year to the graduate with the highest overall score across all programs of study. Congratulations to Ian Joshua Kersey Bone for receiving the 2023 ACN President’s Award for an outstanding score in the Graduate Certificate in Critical Care Nursing!

Image: Ian Joshua Kersey Bone accepting the ACN President’s Award from ACN President Emeritus Professor Christine Duffield FACN.
Are you ready for postgraduate study with ACN?
As Australia’s largest Graduate Certificate provider for nurses with online graduate certificates across more than 20 nursing specialties, ACN’s postgraduate courses are here to help up-skill, upgrade and uplift you! Join ACN’s July 2023 intake and become a specialist in 2024. FEE-Help is available for eligible students. Search courses and apply now on our website.