Nurses professional indemnity and public liability insurance

Professional indemnity insurance is a requirement of registration and important for all nurses and health professionals. Nurses who do not hold appropriate professional indemnity insurance policies may be exposed, in the event of negligence, to both the potential for uninsured civil liability and the costs of defending a charge of unprofessional conduct through AHPRA. ACN members receive discounted professional indemnity insurance through Guild Insurance.


Guild Insurance provides professional indemnity, public liability and legal representation costs under one policy. By insuring with Guild, ACN members have the benefit of:

  • Peace of mind as you perform your activities as an employed or self-employed enrolled nurse, registered nurse or nurse practitioner.
  • Reassurance by knowing you can seek your own assistance and representation, whether it be for a complaint dealt with by AHPRA or a coronial inquest.
  • Ensuring your interests are best served when a conflict arises between your version of events and that of another practitioner or your employer.
  • Offering financial peace of mind by knowing the policy applies nil excess.  Guild offers the option to spread your premium over twelve easy payments at no additional cost.

ACN member discounts vary depending on employment status and limit of indemnity; cover can start from as little as $6.50* per week for a  $5M  limit of liability. Get in touch with Guild today by requesting a customised quote on the Guild website.

*Based on the weekly premium of a full-time employed nurse in NSW.

Frequently asked questions

ACN nursing members currently practising in Australia receive discounted professional indemnity insurance through Guild Insurance.

NOTE: This benefit does not apply to Undergraduate, Honorary Fellows and Associate Members.

ACN has partnered with Guild Insurance for over 11 years to provide professional indemnity insurance for ACN members. Guild Insurance is committed to protecting the nursing workforce and safeguarding the future of the nursing profession.

With Guild, you are covered for full scope of practice; that’s everything you’re undertaking in your capacity as a nurse. And if an incident occurs, Guild Insurance is there to support you every step of the way, backed with the experience and insights to help you respond to a claim.

When you are insured with Guild, you will have protection that meets national nursing requirements.

The following will be included in one policy:

  • Nurses professional indemnity – covers you for full scope of practice as a nurse professional
  • Nurses public liability – cover for property damage or personal jury you are liable for
  • Nurses products liability insurance
  • Cover for legal representation costs at AHPRA enquiries
  • Choice of full-time, part-time, self-employed or employed cover
  • Run-off cover in retirement, at no cost
  • Nil excess
  • 24/7 access to Policy Hub, an online policy portal
  • Pay by the month at no extra cost

To find out more or obtain the policy wording, please call Guild Insurance on 1800 810 213.

The law governs that any professional exercise the required skill to an appropriate level expected by that profession. A professional may be liable for financial loss, injury or damage arising from an act, error, or omission of fault if the professional has not acted to the required level of skill deemed in that profession. Failure through this may result in the claimant (person who suffered the loss) being awarded for that loss, damage, or injury.

Many professions require you hold a professional indemnity insurance policy by law, such as AHPRA registered professions. It is often also required by companies who take on contract workers that are not governed under the companies’ own insurance policy. It is acceptable for a company to ask you as the professional contractor to provide evidence of cover for professional indemnity before starting the contract period.

Professional indemnity insurance covers you for breaches in relation to your professional duty. Liability insurance covers you for the activity that results in personal injury or property damage as a result of your business activities that do not relate to your specific profession. An example may be someone who trips and is injured from spilled water within your office may be covered under liability because it is your duty of care to provide a safe environment. Whereas a person who suffers a loss or injury because of your professional.

For eligible ACN members, get in touch with Guild by requesting a customised quote on the Guild website.

You will have access to this benefit as soon as you join as a General, Graduate or Affiliate member. If you have joined as an Undergraduate member or Associate Member, you are not eligible for this benefit.

Through Guild’s online Express Pay service, you can pay annually with a credit card or pay by the month at no extra cost via direct debit or a credit card. To get started, visit here.

Once you’ve renewed, you have the freedom to manage your account with our online account management service Policy Hub. You can view your policy, update your personal information and make payments. To register, visit here.

For further questions about this benefit, please contact Guild Insurance by calling 1800 810 213 or email

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