Immunisation hub

Information, resources and education for health professionals

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) welcomes you to the Immunisation Hub for nurses and health professionals.

ACNs Immunisation Hub provides clinical advice on the safest and most effective use of vaccines in practice to educate and support immunisation providers to deliver vaccines safely.

Get the latest specialised immunisation advice and resources, and sign up for our immunisation education courses designed to help you deliver immunisation services to your community. These include vaccine-preventable diseases fact sheets and FAQs, recorded presentations, webinars, clinical decision-making resources and education courses designed by industry experts and educators to provide professionals with a comprehensive understanding of immunisation principles, the epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases, and implementing and monitoring vaccination programs.

'Did you know?' immunisation facts

Immunisation coverage rates

The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) analyses the data in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) to obtain the statistics for vaccination coverage in children. On 31 March 2021, the AIR was used for the first time to collect vaccination coverage data for adolescents and adults.

Use the interactive feature to view the immunisation coverage rates by map or graph.


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Immunisation Poll
Have you completed an immunisation course?


347 National Immunisation Program for Healthcare Practitioners

347 National Immunisation Program for Healthcare Practitioners

The Australian College of Nursing’s (ACN) 347 National Immunisation Program for Healthcare Practitioners course is based on the National Immunisation Education Framework for Health Professionals (2017) and has been accredited by the ANMAC subsidiary Health Education Services Australia (HESA) to deliver this course. HESA is the National body for health education accreditation and ACN is the first institution to have its Immunisation course accredited.

346 Immunisation for Registered Nurses

346 Immunisation for Registered Nurses

This unit of study can be taken by RNs as part of a relevant Graduate Certificate course or as a stand alone single unit of study. The unit examines the physiology of the immune system and how vaccines work to protect the community from vaccine-preventable diseases. Legal and ethical considerations are discussed in an Australian context with application to clinical practice. A Global and National immunisation perspective is reviewed with a focus on immunisation coverage and disease rates.

Tuberculosis Management

357 Tuberculosis management (TST/BCG)

The Tuberculosis Management course is designed for registered nurses who are required to perform Tuberculin Skin Tests (TST) and Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccinations as part of their roles. The purpose of the course is to provide you with a theoretical framework that you can use in your clinical practice when you administer, read, interpret and document TST and BCG vaccinations.

Pacific Islands Immunisation Course

Pacific Islands Immunisation Course


ACN’s Pacific Islands Immunisation Course is designed for nurses and other healthcare professionals practicing in the Pacific Island countries and territories. This course contains theoretical knowledge relating to vaccination and the delivery of vaccination programs.

Online CPD

Influenza vaccination 2022

Immunisation CPD

ACN offers immunisation specific CPD in the form of updates addressing contemporary topics, updates and specialty topics of interest. New options are added throughout the year and may include live webinar sessions and/or self-paced interactive modules.

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