FEE‑HELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible students pay all or part of their tuition fees. It cannot be used for additional study costs such as accommodation or text books.

Frequently asked questions

To be eligible for FEE‑HELP you must:

  • be enrolled in a full fee-paying place at a provider that offers FEE-HELP loans
  • are studying at an approved FEE‑HELP provider (approved provider)
  • meet the citizenship and residency requirements:
    • an Australian citizen or a New Zealand Special Category Visa* holder who meets the long-term residency requirements OR
    • a permanent humanitarian visa holder who will be resident in Australia for the duration of your unit; OR
    • a Pacific engagement visa (PEV) holder who will be a resident in Australia for the duration of your unit(s);
  • submit the request for Commonwealth assistance form (eCAF) to your provider by the census date;
  • submit a valid Tax File Number (TFN) in the eCAF by the census date;
  • have not exceeded the FEE HELP limit; (see below)
  • be assessed as a genuine student and as academically suitable for your unit(s) of study;
  • be enrolled in a full fee-paying place at a provider that offers FEE-HELP loans.

*If you hold a New Zealand SCV you will be able to access HELP loans, providing you meet ALL the long-term residency requirements:

  • First began residing in Australia at least 10 years ago and at that time you were a child under the age of 18 with no spouse or de facto partner; and
  • You have been in Australia for at least:
    • a total of eight out of the past 10 years; and
    • a total of 18 months out of the last two years.

As a New Zealand SCV holder, you must be living in Australia for the duration of your study to be eligible for a CSP and / or HELP loan.

Eligible students can borrow up to the FEE‑HELP limit to pay their tuition fees.

For 2024, the FEE‑HELP limit is $121,844 for most students.

The FEE‑HELP limit is the total amount available to eligible students under both the FEE‑HELP and VET FEE‑HELP loan schemes. This means that any amount you borrow under either FEE‑HELP or VET FEE‑HELP will reduce your FEE‑HELP balance until you have reached the FEE‑HELP limit.

Is there a loan fee?

The loan fee does not apply for:

  • postgraduate study, including higher degrees by research;
  • enabling courses;
  • units of study undertaken through Open Universities Australia; or
  • bridging study for overseas-trained professionals.

You can only use FEE‑HELP for eligible units of study. An eligible unit of study is a subject or unit which:

  • is part of a domestic fee paying course of study leading to a higher education award (e.g. Graduate Certificate).

No (unless you have already reached your FEE‑HELP limit). Any previous study you have undertaken, and any other financial debts you may have incurred will not affect your eligibility to access a FEE‑HELP loan. As long as you meet the above eligibility criteria and have enough of your FEE‑HELP balance (see below) left to cover your tuition fees, you will be able to access FEE‑HELP.

Any loans used under FEE‑HELP or VET FEE‑HELP will reduce your FEE‑HELP balance until you have reached the FEE‑HELP limit.

Before applying, read through the FEE-HELP information booklet.

To apply for a FEE-HELP loan, you will need a tax file number (TFN) and a Request for FEE-HELP assistance form (this is only available from your provider). Before you sign and submit your form you must read the FEE-HELP information booklet. The form will ask you to provide your TFN.

For further information about TFN, please read about tax file number (TFN) or contact the ATO on 13 28 61.

You must submit the signed and completed form to your provider before the census date. If you do not submit your form on or before the census date, you will not be eligible for a FEE-HELP loan.

Note: You have six weeks from the census date of a unit to correct any errors on your form that would prevent you from being eligible for FEE-HELP.

Applying for a Graduate Certificate course with FEE-HELP:

Graduate certificate enrolment form

See Managing and repaying your loan for information on repaying your loan.

Need more information?

Please check out the FEE-HELP website or contact ACN’s Customer Service team:

t: 02 9745 7500
f: 02 6282 3565
e: customerservices@acn.edu.au