Aged Care Transition to Practice Program
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10 months

Study mode



Monthly intakes


Government funding available

Please contact for more details.

The Aged Care Transition to Practice program (ACTTP) aims to develop the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to provide holistic and evidence-based care to older people. The program also aims to encourage the legal and ethical understanding of the relevant clinical practice and support nurse graduates and experienced RNs new to aged care in developing their role as autonomous members of the multidisciplinary team and professional leaders within aged care homes.

This program aligns with The Aged Care Quality Standards (ACQS) and Aged Care Quality Indicators (ACQI). It is also mapped to ACN’s Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Nursing.

Course overview

The ACTTP aims to develop the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to provide holistic and evidence-based care to older people. The program also aims to encourage the legal and ethical understanding of the relevant clinical practice and support nurse graduates and experienced RNs new to aged care in developing their role as autonomous members of the multidisciplinary team and professional leaders within aged care homes. The program is designed to support recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and is flexible to adapt to emerging evidence-based practice.

  • Access to skilled aged-care nurse educator who possess a wide variety of specialised skills and expertise.
  • Access to an online course and discussion forums 24/7 to promote professional communication, collaboration, and peer networking, which are essential for all aged-care environments.
  • Eight (4-hour) live sessions spread over 10 months to allow flexible facilitated learning.
  • Access to 38 hours of aged-care-specific online modules and activities exclusively designed for aged care.
  • Real-life case scenarios to analyse, discuss and examine the current practice.
  • Advanced standing for the unit of study in Clinical leadership in Aged Care (offered by ACN).
  • On successful completion of the program participants will receive a certificate with 83 CPD hours.

Career outcomes

The ACTTP enables you to attract, develop and retain new graduates to the sector. The program is designed to empower recent nurse graduates to become the clinical and professional leaders required for the aged care reform priorities announced in the 2024/2025 Federal Budget.

Government funding

ACN is pleased to announce that we have received funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. For further information, please contact or

At successful completion of the course students should be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge and skills for the provision and coordination of evidenced-based person-centred nursing care for older people.
  • apply clinical practice development for the improvement of health outcomes.
  • integrate specialist knowledge, assessment skills and information to support an improved standard of care for older people.
  • develop enhanced clinical decision-making skills using multiple modes of enquiry and collaborative approaches.
  • maintain effective therapeutic relationships with older adults, their support network, professional colleagues and other stakeholders.

The Aged Care Transition to Practice is a 10 month course, consisting of 8 study days.

Approximate hours of study are 83 hours.

Face to face study sessions Online learning – Self paced
Day 1: Introduction and Orientation Session
  • Introduction and orientation to the program (purpose, defining goals and expectations)
  • Orientation to ACN LMS and Library services
  • Responsibilities of approved aged care providers
  • Governance, mandatory registration standards
  • Portfolio development
  • Introduction to the Aged Care Standards
  • Understanding the National Aged Care Classification Funding Model (Nurse Practitioners)*
  • SMART goals
  • Pre-program Survey
Day 2: Professional Development
  • Effective communication
  • Managing Conflict
  • Documentation
  • Clinical Handover
  • Foundational Concepts in Nursing Leadership
  • Professional Issues in Contemporary Nursing
  • Nurse Selfcare and Wellbeing
  • Introduction to Clinical Mentoring, Preceptorship and Coaching*
  • Understanding Boundaries for Mentors and Preceptors (Mentors and Nurse Practitioners)*
Day 3: Medication Management in Aged Care
  • Medication Management
  • High-risk Medications
  • Polypharmacy
  • Psychotropics
  • Medication Management in Older People
  • Antimicrobial Stewardship in Aged Care*
  • Online Case Studies and Forum Discussions
  • Quiz – Medication
Day 4: Clinical Care Day 1
  • Clinical Assessment and Managing Acute Deterioration
  • Restrictive practices in Aged Care
  • Falls Prevention and Management
  • Serious Incident Reporting Scheme in Aged Care (SIRS)
  • Pain Management in the Elderly
  • Principles of Wound Management
  • Chronic and Complex Wound Management*
Day 5: Clinical Care Day 2
  • Managing Chronic Conditions
  • Assessing Needs on Return from Hospital
  • Oral Health Care
  • Reduction of Unnecessary Transfer to Hospital (RUTH)
  • Managing Malnutrition in Older Adults
  • Infection Prevention and Control in RACFs
  • Quiz – Infection Prevention and Control
Day 6: Behavioural Support
  • Dementia, Delirium and Depression
  • Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)
  • Therapeutic Approaches to Behavioural Management
  • Responsive Behaviour Management
  • Dementia or Delerium: Differentiation and Management
  • Person- centred and Holistic Care Online Case Studies
  • Quiz – BPSD
Day 7: Quality of Life and Diversity
  • Quality of life in residential aged care facilities
  • Sexuality and intimacy in older adults
  • Diverse population groups (Aboriginal Torres Strait and Islander peoples, LGBTQ, Culturally and linguistically older adults)
  • Culturally Competent Care for Older First Nations People
  • Portfolio Preparation
Day 8: Palliative and End-of-Life Care
  • Transitioning to palliative care (symptom management and decision-making)
  • Transitioning to End-of-Life care (symptom management and decision-making)
  • Palliative care emergencies and decision making
  • The role of the nurse and the multidisciplinary team
  • End of Life Care for the Older Person
  • Portfolio Finalisation

*Mentors and Nurse Practitioners

Nurses must have completed their university graduate degree (RN) or graduate diploma (EN) in the last two years.

Diva Madan

Diva Madan, Nurse Educator – Higher Education
RN, MN clinical education, BN, BSc, DN, Cert IV TAE and ANI

Diva coordinates the Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Nursing and Aged Care Transition to Practice Program. Diva has also coordinated the Graduate Certificate in Breast Cancer and Cancer Nursing. Diva has over 16 years of experience in geriatric health, infection prevention and control and palliative care. Diva is passionate about improving nursing care in Aged Care Homes. Diva has an extensive background in mentoring Aged Care Nurses. Diva enjoys going beyond the essential elements of the curriculum, preparing nurses to be creative, curious, critical thinkers and leaders essential for providing evidence-based holistic care to older people across all settings.

Thuy-An (An) Le, Nurse Educator
RN, MN Clinical Education, GC Acute Care, BN

An coordinates the Aged Care Transition to Practice Program as well as ACN’s National Immunisation Program. An is passionate about improving the quality of care older people receive in RACFs. An has significant experience in geriatric care and clinical teaching; she believes that all nurses in the aged care sector should have up-to-date and evidence-based knowledge and skills to provide optimal consumer care.

Frequently asked questions

For students

Your workplace needs to have an agreement with ACN to allocate places in the program. Please speak to your employer and ask them if they would like to participate.

To be eligible through your employer, participants in the program can be from the following streams:

  • newly graduated RN’s with under 2 years-experience and have not previously completed a transition to practice program
  • newly graduated EN’s with under 2 years-experience and have not previously completed a transition to practice program
  • transitioning registered nurses not in their first year of clinical practice overall but in their first year of clinical practice in aged care
  • Aged Care Nurse Practitioners

The course runs over 10 months.

You will access to ACN’s dedicated aged-care educator and will be supported in the workplace by a mentor (allocated by your employer).

Yes, you have 8 (four-hour) study days throughout the year, which you attend as study leave.

The program is offered by blended learning with a combination of self-paced asynchronous online sessions and synchronous sessions which are being offered via teleconference. There are 8 synchronous (4 hour) live sessions covering all the topics you need to become a leader in aged-care practice. You and your mentor will also have access to over 40 hours of aged-care specific online modules and activities. You will be able to log into our learning management system where you can access all the material and communicate with your coordinator and others in the course. Throughout the program, you will be developing your professional portfolio, as you reflect on your learning and plan your next step in your professional career.

The ACTTP program is designed specifically for nurses in the aged care sector.

ACNs other Transition to Practice program is different in the following ways:

  • ACN does not receive funding from the Australian Government Department of Health to deliver this program
  • the program is generic and not specific to the aged care sector
  • ACN has a relationship with the student only

For providers

Please contact Judith Smith, Director of Professional Development via email

There is more information available in our flyer.

Please view our website for more information.

  • The aged care provider must provide allocated time so the student can attend the ACTTP program.
  • A mentor is allocated by their employer to support the student in the workplace.
  • The aged care provider must be approved by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission under the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018 to provide services under the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth).
  • The aged care provider must adhere to the National Employment Standards (NES). If the employers of registered nurse participants in the program are found to be violating the NES, this agreement may be terminated by ACN without prior notice.
  • The aged care provider can enrol participants into the program who are newly graduated Registered and/or Enrolled Nurses (up to two years post-graduation) in their first year of clinical practice who have not previously participated in a transition to practice program (however named) and/or
  • The aged care provider can enrol experienced Registered Nurses who are new to aged care, and/or
  • The aged care provider can enrol Aged Care Nurse Practitioners.
  • The aged care provider must assign senior nurse mentors to graduates and be willing to provide time to their nurse graduates and mentors to engage with the program.

Mentors will have access to eight hours of education during the program. They will also have access to the learning management system and support from the program coordinator.

More info for aged care providers

Apply now

To apply for the program, please express your interest by emailing or

Contact us

Thuy-An Le
Nurse Educator – Higher Education

t: 1800 061 660

Judith Smith
Director of Professional Development

t: 1800 061 660