Aged Care Solutions Expert Advisory Group - Australian College of Nursing

In response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety Final Report, the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) established the Aged Care Solutions Expert Advisory Group (EAG). The EAG is made up of leading gerontological nursing specialists and academics from across Australia, who provide expert guidance and a robust evidence base for system-wide reform in aged care. In addition to the work of the EAG, members also work across the three sub-committees, devoted to areas most in need of reform: Workforce, the Aged Care Act, and Aged Care in the Community. Through the EAG, ACN demonstrates its commitment to ensuring nurses are front and centre in clinical governance and leadership, while providing the person-centred, culturally safe and professional care every older person deserves.

Advisory group committee

Aged Care Solutions Expert Advisory Group (EAG) members
  • Sophia Adams MACN (Co-Chair – Aged Care Act)
  • Nicole Brooke MACN (Co-Chair – Aged Care in the Community)
  • Lisa Clinnick FACN
  • Gordana (Dana) Dermody MACN
  • Tracey Duke MACN
  • The Late Professor Trisha Dunning DLF
  • Drew Dwyer FACN
  • Susan Emerson MACN
  • Christine Farrell MACN
  • Adjunct Associate Professor Heather Gibb FACN
  • Marise Goddard-Jones MACN
  • Associate Professor Sarah Yeun-Sim Jeong MACN
  • Dr Rodney Jilek MACN
  • Dr Bridget Laging MACN (Co-Chair – Workforce)
  • Dr Janet Lawrence FACN
  • Jill Linklater FACN
  • Professor Elizabeth Manias DLF
  • Jan McGregor MACN
  • Sue McKechnie FACN
  • Wendy McLochlan MACN
  • Professor Deborah Parker MACN
  • Associate Professor Helen Rawson MACN
  • Dr Irene Stein FACN
  • Jan-Maree Tweedie FACN
  • Professor Lily Xiao FACN