The ACN Foundation is dedicated to helping nurses be the best they can be by providing access to scholarships, grants and awards. We are proud to provide a range of nursing scholarships kindly supported by philanthropic individuals, businesses and the ACN Foundation. The ACN Foundation also provides scholarships, grants and awards to support nurses in completing continuing professional development, postgraduate study, and research.

Find out about upcoming opportunities

Join our scholarships, grants and awards mailing list to find out about funding opportunities for nurses as soon as they become available.

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Endometriosis Australia Nurses Scholarship

The Australian College of Nursing Foundation (ACNF) in partnership with Endometriosis Australia is delighted to offer a scholarship for the Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain unit. The course will commence on Monday 20 January 2025, with all finalisations of enrolment (if successful) to be completed by the chosen applicants on Wednesday 15 January 2025.

The Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain unit is a specialised course designed to equip students with the comprehensive knowledge and essential skills needed to become effective advocates for individuals experiencing chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis.

Applications closed.


Bullwinkel Scholars Program

The Bullwinkel Scholars Program offers two types of scholarships to support registered nurses in their professional development. The ACN Institute of Leadership Program Scholarship provides up to $10,000 for 21 nurses to enroll in an ACN Leadership program and cover attendance costs. The ACN Lt Col Vivian Bullwinkel Study Travel Scholarship, valued at up to $10,000, is available to one nurse, enabling them to study best practices nationally or internationally. The recipient will also have the opportunity to share their experiences at the National Nursing Forum or in The Hive magazine.

Applications closed.

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Applications are now open and will close 11:59pm AEDT, Wednesday 16 October 2024 for the following scholarships:


Emerging Policy Leader Program Scholarship

The Australian College of Nursing Foundation (ACNF) is delighted to offer scholarships for the Emerging Policy Leader Program. The program will commence in early 2025 and is valued at $10,000.

The Emerging Policy Leader Program is ideal for registered nurses who are eager to influence health care policy and drive meaningful change without the extended commitment of a policy degree.

Applications closed.

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Applications are now open and will close 11:59pm AEDT, Wednesday 16 October 2024.

Read more   Apply now

Emerging Research Leader Program Scholarship

The Australian College of Nursing Foundation (ACNF) is delighted to offer scholarships for the Emerging Research Leader Program. The program will commence in February 2025 and is valued at $10,000.

The Emerging Research Leader Program is suitable for registered nurses who want to learn how to build and use research evidence to address practical nursing issues.

Applications closed.

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Applications are now open and will close 11:59pm AEDT, Wednesday 16 October 2024.

Read more   Apply now

Leaders Mindset Series Scholarships

The ACN Foundation is offering 1,000 scholarships for eligible ACN Members to complete the ACN Institute of Leadership's new course - The Leader’s Mindset Series 3, each valued at $1,100.

The Leader’s Mindset Series 3 provides the knowledge and skills for aspiring leaders to take the next step in their leadership career. The course consists of five online modules with students receiving 30 CPD hours upon completion of the course.

Applications are now open.

Read more   Apply now

Graduate Certificate Scholarships for nurses working in Fiji (Applications opening soon)

Aspen Medical

Proudly sponsored by Aspen Medical Foundation - Two scholarships available for two registered nurses currently working in Fiji to complete the ACN Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Nursing Studies.

Number of scholarships: 2
Value of scholarship: $12,500

Who can apply?

Applications are open to non-members and members, who meet the eligibility criteria outlined below. Applicants must:

  • Registered nurses currently working in Fiji
  • have a minimum of two-year postgraduate experience; and
  • be currently employed in an appropriate clinical setting.
  • be able to commence the graduate certificate in July 2024 or January 2025

How can I apply?

Applicants are asked to complete and submit the application form along with the below listed documents: 

  • confirmation of Fiji residency
  • identification (drivers license or passport)
  • a current resume (detailing experience);
  • copy of current nurse registration from appropriate body.
  • letter of support from your current employer, confirming your position in an appropriate clinical setting and must be current.

Selection criteria

Applicants are required to respond to the following selection criteria within this application:

  • Describe the specific relevance the graduate certificate you have chosen has to your area of nursing.
  • Describe how you intend to share the outcomes of your study with your work colleagues.
  • Provide evidence of your commitment to your area of nursing practice.
  • Describe how you will transfer this learning to the practice of nursing, and how you will disseminate knowledge to nursing colleagues in your region

The scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who can best demonstrate their suitability in their response to the selection questions.

Applications opening soon



ACN Grants and Awards

Applications for the below Scholarships, Grants and Awards are now closed. Should you have any questions please contact the scholarships team on 1800 061 660 or email


> For Graduate Certificates and other postgraduate studies


Graduate Certificate Nursing Scholarship — Proudly Sponsored by Johnson and Johnson

Johnson and Johnson Consumer Health

Sponsored by Johnson and Johnson - Two scholarships are available to undertake one of the ACN Graduate Certificate courses listed below. These scholarships are available to First Nations nurses, nurses working in rural and remote and for all candidates working in the specified fields of study.

Applications closed


Number of scholarships available: 2

Who can apply?

Applications are open to non-members and members, who meet the eligibility criteria outlined below:

Applicants must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia
  • be a registered nurse with AHPRA
  • have a minimum of one-year postgraduate experience
  • be currently employed in an appropriate clinical setting
  • be able to commence the graduate certificate in July 2024

How can I apply?

Applicants are asked to complete and submit this form along with the below listed documents, which can be uploaded to this form.

  • confirmation of First Nation status, such as a sworn affidavit (if applicable)
  • Australian citizenship or permanent residency (passport, birth certificate, permanent visa document)
  • identification (drivers license or passport)
  • confirmation of residential address, such as a Rates notice or Utilities Bill (This is applicable if applying as a Rural and Remote applicant) ACN uses the Modified Monash Model to determine rural and remote areas, which are within the MM3 to MM7 categories
  • a current resume (detailing experience)
  • copy of current nurse registration from AHPRA
  • current letter of support from your current employer, confirming your position in an appropriate clinical setting

Preference will be given to First Nations and Rural and Remote applicants.


Graduate Certificate Nursing Scholarship — Proudly Sponsored by Health Professionals Bank

Health Professionals Bank

Sponsored by Health Professionals Bank - Full enrolment in one of any ACN Graduate Certificate courses to commence in July 2024.

Applications closed.


Number of scholarships available: 1
Value of scholarship: $12,500

Who can apply?

Applications are open to non-members and members, who meet the eligibility criteria outlined below. Applicants must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia
  • be a registered nurse with AHPRA.
  • have a minimum of one-year postgraduate experience; and
  • be currently employed in an appropriate clinical setting.
  • be able to commence the graduate certificate in July 2024

How can I apply?

Applicants are asked to complete and submit this form along with the below listed documents, which can be uploaded to the application form.

  • Australian citizenship or permanent residency (passport, birth certificate, permanent visa document)
  • identification (drivers license or passport)
  • a current resume (detailing experience)
  • copy of current nurse registration from AHPRA
  • current letter of support from your current employer, confirming your position in an appropriate clinical setting

Selection criteria

Applicants are required to respond to the following selection criteria within the application form:

  • Describe the specific relevance the graduate certificate you have chosen has to your area of nursing.
  • Describe how you intend to share the outcomes of your study with your work colleagues.
  • Provide evidence of your commitment to your area of nursing practice.
  • Describe how you will transfer this learning to the practice of nursing, and how you will disseminate knowledge to nursing colleagues in your region.

The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who can best demonstrate their suitability in their response to the selection questions.


Council of Children’s Nurses Scholarship — Proudly funded by the Council of Children's Nurses Foundation

This scholarship will fund a registered nurse to complete a Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health Nursing.

Applications closed.


Number of scholarships available: 1
Value of scholarship: $12,500


Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria to apply:

  • Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • hold a Bachelor of Nursing or registered nurse equivalent qualification
  • hold current registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA); or the equivalent registering authority in your country of origin
  • hold current registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia as a Registered Nurse or Enrolled Nurse
  • meet the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia English language skills registration standard (nursing and midwifery) – please refer to the AHPRA website to download the standard
  • have a minimum of one year of postgraduate experience
  • have a minimum of one-year full-time equivalent experience within the nursing profession since initial registration; and
  • be currently employed for at least 12 months in a nursing role caring for children and/or young people (0 – 18 years) in New South Wales.

Documents required

  • Australian Passport or birth certificate, permanent residency confirmation or citizenship certificate
  • AHPRA Nurse registration certificate
  • resume/CV
  • letter from employer confirming your role and length of employment, must include organisation letter head and date of issue.

Selection criteria

The scholarships will be awarded to the applicants who can best demonstrate how this study tour will meet one or more of the following objectives:

  • relevance to current clinical practice
  • building and enhancing nursing professional capacity and capability
  • developing and enhancing nurse leadership and communication skills when interacting with children and families
  • Applicants need to be able to demonstrate in their responses:
    - an ability to maximise the opportunity of the activity
    - capacity to share knowledge within your own networks and the broader nursing environment.

Applicants must complete the selection questions and the declaration included in this application.

The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who can best demonstrate their suitability in their responses to the selection questions.


The ‘Sul’ Stuart-Fraser Scholarship

The ‘Sul’ Stuart Fraser Memorial Scholarship was established to honour the person and nursing accomplishments of the late Matron Harriet ‘Sul’ Stuart Fraser who had a long and distinguished nursing career in New South Wales. This scholarship is an opportunity for members of the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) to further their professional development in the perioperative/surgical specialty area by undertaking postgraduate studies in perioperative nursing.

This scholarship is open to registered nurses wishing to undertake the ACN Graduate Certificate in Perioperative Nursing in July 2024 or January 2025. There are two scholarships available and covers the cost of the course fees. Applicants must be an ACN Member or Fellow and have been one for at least the past three years or more.

Applications closed.


Number of scholarships: 2
Value of scholarship: $9,234

Eligibility criteria checklist

  • Registered Nurse residing in Australia
  • current Fellow or Member of ACN for at least the past three years
  • currently working in a perioperative environment and have a minimum of one year postgraduate experience.

Document checklist

  • completed application
  • curriculum vitae
  • please attach a short and concise CV (maximum of three pages) which includes your qualifications, recent professional development activities and relevant work experience


  • two nursing references are required. One referee should be your current manager. The ACN review committee may contact these referees as part of the assessment process for the scholarships.

Selection Criteria

  • scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who can best demonstrate by completing ACN’s Graduate Certificate in Perioperative Nursing, the benefit to their professional development and the potential to improve patient outcomes

Applicants must complete the selection questions and the declaration included in the application.

Applicants will be notified by email of the outcome of their application by June 2024. The successful applicant will be invited to receive the award at the ACN Oration, Investiture of Fellows and Awards presentation. This will be held at the National Nursing Forum on 14 - 16 August 2024 at the Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns.


Eric Murray Achiever Award — Proudly funded by the Murray Family in memory of Eric Murray FACN

The Eric Murray Quiet Achiever Award is funded by the Murray Family in memory of Eric Murray FACN, a Fellow of ACN. The Eric Murray Achiever Award is to assist with continuing professional development or community work that is judged beneficial to the nursing profession and public. 

Applications closed.


Number of scholarships: 1
Value of scholarship: $1,500

Eligibility criteria checklist

Document checklist

  • completed Application
  • evidence of enrolment in a current ACN course. This can be a screen shot from your student portal or confirmation letter from ACN confirming you are enrolled. Please note, the scholarship team does not have access to student information.

Selection Criteria

  • scholarship will be awarded to the student who can best demonstrate in their response to the selection questions, the benefit they would gain from their intended CPD or community activity.

Applicants will be notified by email of the outcome of their application by June 2024. The successful applicant will be invited to receive the award at the ACN Oration, Investiture of Fellows and Awards presentation. This will be held at the National Nursing Forum on 14 - 16 August 2024 at the Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns City.



> For short courses


Wound Care Management Scholarship — Proudly Sponsored by Lucas’ Papaw Remedies

Lucas Papaw Remedies

Sponsored by Lucas’ Papaw Remedies - Enrolment into ACN’s single unit in Wound Management, in July or October 2024 intake. The purpose of this unit of study is to facilitate the development of knowledge and skills in wound management. The unit examines the anatomy and physiology of the skin, the physiology of wound healing, factors affecting wound healing, holistic wound assessment, principles of wound management and explores specific types of wounds and their management.

Applications closed.


Number of scholarships available: 6
Value of scholarship: $2,700

Who can apply?

Applications are open to, non-members and members, who meet the specific criteria set by ACN. This includes:

  • holding a current registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA);
  • need to be working clinically i.e. have exposure to wound care.
  • need to be able to undertake the unit in either July or October 2024.

How can I apply?

To apply you will need:

  • proof of identity (drivers license or birth certificate)
  • a current resume (detailing experience);
  • copy of current nurse registration.

The scholarship will be awarded to the applicants who can best demonstrate their suitability in their response to the selection questions.

Applicants are asked to complete and submit the application form along with the above required documents.



> For Leadership programs


Rosemary Harrison Scholarship — Proudly funded by Richard Harrison and Family

Funded by Richard Harrison and Family - This scholarship will fund attendance to the National Nursing Forum 2024 and the Nurse Director Leadership Program including – Travel, accommodation, course and registration.

Applications closed.


Number of scholarships available: 1
Value of scholarship: up to $15,000

About Nurse Director Leadership Program

The Nurse Director Leadership Program is a dynamic 6-month course that empowers nurses to lead change in a rapidly changing environment. Available to registered nurses with more than six years of professional experience and who have worked in or are new to management and leadership roles.

About ACN National Nursing Forum

ACN's National Nursing Forum (NNF) is the ACN's signature annual leadership and educational event bringing together nurses, students and other health professionals from around the country and across the globe. Attendees will enjoy a full and rich forum experience with face-to-face presentations and interactions with the nursing network, the opportunity to connect with valuable sponsors and exhibitors to learn about the latest products and more.

Who can apply?

Applications are open to members and non-members who meet the following criteria:

  • must be an Australian Citizen or a permanent resident of Australia
  • have current registration as registered nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
  • must be currently registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)
  • must be currently employed as a Nurse Director leader
  • have a minimum of six years’ postgraduate experience or be able to demonstrate an ability to influence organisations, team practices and/or cultures
    such as nurse leaders seeking promotion into a management position
  • be able to demonstrate leadership qualities in nursing and/or the health or aged care systems
    such as recently appointed managers seeking to fast-track their development into confident self-directed leaders
  • ability to complete the program work during the six-month timeframe

How can I apply?

To apply you will need:

  • proof of Australian citizenship or permanent resident of Australia (birth certificate, passport or visa papers)
  • current resume (detailing professional achievements in a clinical, education, leadership, or academic setting within the past two years)
  • current AHPRA nurse registration.
  • letter from your employer confirming your employment and position as a community nurse and your ability to complete the program within the six months time frame.
  • identify a workplace sponsor who will support you during the program. The primary role of the sponsor will be to act as a sounding board for thoughts and ideas and to help ensure the participant feels supported and energised during the program.

Applicants are asked to complete and submit the application form along with the above required documents. 

Selection criteria

Applicants are required to respond to the following selection criteria within this application:

  1. Articulate goals for attending the National Nursing Forum and desired achievements.
  2. Illustrate how participation in the National Nursing Forum will enhance professional growth and nursing practice.
  3. Demonstrate plans for sharing and applying information gained from the National Nursing Forum.
  4. Showcase individual initiatives contributing to the advancement of the nursing profession within the workplace.

Scholarships will be awarded on the recommendation of the selection committee and will be based on the above selection criteria.

Preference will be given to applicants in rural and remote areas of Australia, and First Nation Nurses.


Marjorie Schuman Rural Nurse Scholarship — Proudly Sponsored by David and Jennie Sutherland Foundation

Sponsored by David and Jennie Sutherland Foundation - This scholarship will fund the Nurse Director Leadership Program including – Travel, accommodation, course and registration.

Applications closed.


Number of scholarships available: 1

Value of scholarship: $5,000

Who can apply?

Applications are open to members and non-members who meet the following criteria:

  • must be an Australian Citizen or a permanent resident of Australia
  • work in an Australian rural area described by the Modified Monash Model as a registered nurse whom also resides within the MM3 to MM7 categories
  • have current registration as registered nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
  • must be currently registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)
  • have a minimum of six years’ postgraduate experience or be able to demonstrate an ability to influence organisations, team practices and/or cultures
    such as nurse leaders seeking promotion into a management position
  • be able to demonstrate leadership qualities in nursing and/or the health or aged care systems
    such as recently appointed managers seeking to fast-track their development into confident self-directed leaders
  • ability to complete the program work during the six-month timeframe
  • identify a workplace sponsor who will support them during the program. The primary role of the sponsor will be to act as a sounding board for thoughts and ideas and to help ensure the participant feels supported and energised during the program.

How can I apply?

To apply you will need:

  • proof of Australian citizenship or permanent resident of Australia (birth certificate, passport or visa papers)
  • proof of rural or remote address (electricity/gas bill or rates notice)
  • current resume (detailing professional achievements in a clinical, education, leadership, or academic setting within the past two years)
  • current AHPRA nurse registration.
  • letter from your employer confirming your employment, position and your ability to complete the program within the six months time frame.
  • letter from work place sponsor confirming their support.

Applicants are asked to complete and submit the application form along with the above required documents.

Scholarships will be awarded on the recommendation of the selection committee and will be based on the following selection criteria:

  1. Commitment to advancing nurse leadership inclusive of being patient/consumer focused, the promotion of community nurse leadership at all times aims to improve health and healthcare outcomes for patients/consumers and the community more broadly.
  2. Commitment to change management and or quality change within the workplace, displaying leadership in nursing within a rural location.
  3. Anticipated impact of the Mid-Career Nurse Leadership Program on your career, particularly in regard to advancing nursing leadership in the community setting.
  4. Demonstrated ability to write well and to construct a plan for change management or quality change management.
  5. Demonstrated professional achievements in a clinical, education, leadership, or academic setting.

Available to a registered nurse currently employed in a rural and remote area of Australia.



> For Master's or Doctorate program


Sister Margaret Y Winning Memorial Scholarship

Available for a registered nurse undertaking postgraduate community nursing studies at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in 2024, in a nursing master’s program or a doctorate program.

Applications closed.


Number of scholarships: 1
Value of Scholarship: $10,000

Eligibility criteria checklist

  • registered or enrolled nurse residing in Australia
  • must be a registered nurse with a current practicing certificate, or its equivalent
  • be current members or fellows of ACN
  • not have received a scholarship or grant from the National Research and Scholarships Fund in the previous 2 years
  • be undertaking postgraduate community nursing studies at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in 2024.

Document checklist

  • completed application
  • curriculum vitae
  • Please attach a short and concise CV (maximum of three pages) which includes your qualifications, recent professional development activities and relevant work experience.
  • If you are undertaking a research program the CV should also include refereed publications and scholarly activities (including conference presentations, indicating if refereed) for the past 3 years in reverse chronological order.


  • Two nursing referees are required (one should preferably be your current employer). The ACN review committee may contact these referees as part of the assessment process for the scholarships.

Selection Criteria

  • The scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who can best demonstrate that the proposed study will both add to the body of knowledge on nursing roles and has the potential to improve patient care/outcomes.

Applicants must complete the selection questions included in the application form.

Applicants will be notified by email of the outcome of their application by June 2024. The successful applicant will be invited to attend the ACN Oration, Investiture of Fellows and the presentation of Grants and Awards. This will be held at the National Nursing Forum on 14 - 16 August 2024 at the Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns.



Other opportunities

Health Minister’s Award for Nursing Trailblazers

The only award of its kind in Australia, the Health Minister’s Award for Nursing Trailblazers recognises nurse leaders and innovators who lead the way to transform our health and aged care systems by impacting costs, improving quality of care and enhancing consumer satisfaction. The award acknowledges nurse-led innovations and models of care which significantly improve health outcomes for the Australian community through evidence-based processes.
Find out more

Parkinson’s Care Postgraduate Unit of Study Award

Up to $2,500 towards ACN’s Parkinson’s Care postgraduate unit of study course.
Must be a Queensland-based registered nurse.