Policy Paper

Clinical Supervision for Nurses and Midwives – Discussion Paper

Clinical Supervision is a formally structured professional arrangement between a supervisor and one or more supervisees. The supervisor facilitates the supervisees to critically examine their work issues to gain a deeper understanding, consider alternative perspectives, develop insight, and determine next steps. Clinical Supervision has an established history in the healthcare profession, including psychotherapy, counselling, social…

No journey forward is linear: Meet ACN’s new CEO

No journey forward is linear: Meet ACN’s new CEO

Adjunct Professor Kathryn Zeitz PhD FACN, is the incoming Australian College of Nursing CEO. Kathryn is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Flinders University and an Adjunct Professor at The University of Adelaide. Since 2017, she has been a nursing representative on the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority Clinical Advisory Committee. Outside her professional roles, Kathryn is…