A day in the life of a practice nurse

A day in the life of a practice nurse

Featured Image: Registered Practice Nurse Telma Pinto MACN at work during flu season. Supplied.  For most Australians accessing primary health care, the first place they go is to a general practice. As soon as our consumers step into the practice, they are greeted by a practice nurse, who helps in support, management, education and overall…

Five ways to build your nursing portfolio with the Australian College of Nursing

Five ways to build your volunteer portfolio with ACN

Featured Image: Volunteer nurses at the 2023 Australian College of Nursing (ACN) Policy Summit sharing their insights to develop policy. Source: Grace Costa Whether you are the first stages of your university degree or have banked decades of experience in the nursing profession, there is always an opportunity to contribute to the betterment of the…

A day in the life of a mental health nurse

A day in the life of a mental health nurse

What is a mental health nurse? The role of a mental health nurse is quite complex and changes from organisation to organisation.  Generally speaking, a mental health nurse works with and supports consumers to manage their mental health, and any associated symptoms of mental illness. Mental health nurses provide care for consumers of all ages,…