Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

AMA confirms need to maximise use of nursing and allied health workforces in rural and regional Australia

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) welcomes comments from the AMA that “a more modern, flexible, and transient workforce” is needed to meet the current and future primary health care needs of rural, regional, and remote communities. The AMA last week hosted a rural summit to discuss long-term medical workforce shortages in rural and regional…

Demystifying nursing leadership: Introducing our high-profile leadership program speakers

Demystifying nursing leadership: Introducing our high-profile leadership program speakers

In an era of unprecedented healthcare challenges and rapid transformations, nursing leadership is the backbone of high-quality, patient-centred care and innovative change. Nurse leaders are at the forefront of advocating for patients’ rights, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, driving evidence-based practices and commanding respect and recognition for our profession. Effective nursing leadership not only guides and motivates…

Five tips for staff wellbeing in nursing

Prioritising the wellbeing of nursing staff extends far beyond mere compassion; it’s a strategic imperative, essential for fostering exceptional patient care, and integral to achieving organisational excellence. When nurses feel valued, supported, and cared for, their job satisfaction soars, leading to higher retention rates and lower turnover. These outcomes not only reduce recruitment costs but…

Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

Scholarships to boost aged care workforce

Applications open this week for the latest round of Aged Care Nursing and Allied Health Scholarships. Australian College of Nursing (ACN) CEO, Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward FACN, said today that these important scholarships are helping to train and retain the skilled workforce needed to meet the needs of the ageing Australian population. Adjunct Professor Ward…

First Nations health scholarships - Stakeholder kit

First Nations health scholarships – Stakeholder Kit

First Nations health scholarships Stakeholder kit Show your support for the Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme by sharing the content below on your website, social networks or within your health service organisation. More information on Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme Contact: On this page Social images EDM banners Suggested messaging Media release Tag us…

How to respond to an opioid overdose

How to respond to an opioid overdose

A recent report by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre has found that there are an average of five drug-induced deaths in Australia per day. As nurses, we hold a pivotal role in not only identifying and managing substance use issues but also in fostering community education and awareness. Understanding the signs of an…