Your guide to the 2023 International Nurses Day

Your guide to International Nurses Day 2023

Featured image: Nurses in Victoria sharing a National Nurses Breakfast for International Nurses Day 2022. Source: Sharmalie Wijesinghe MACN Every year on 12 May, the world comes together to celebrate the nursing profession on International Nurses Day. The nursing profession has had a long and tumultuous past few years and International Nurses Day is a…

A letter to a new remote nurse

A letter to the new remote nurse

Featured Image: Taras Vyshnya on Shutterstock To the new remote nurse,  Congratulations on your new job. I know your lecturers scared you into thinking you were never going to get one, that you would get stuck doing something you did not enjoy if you did not write a award-winning selection criteria or if your last…

Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

Vaccinations fall behind after pandemic push

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) is encouraging Australians to roll up their sleeves for “The Big Catch-Up” during World Immunisation Week (WIW). During the COVID-19 pandemic, people all over the world saw the benefits of vaccinations first hand as COVID-19 vaccinations proved to be lifesaving for some. While we all queued for the vaccines…

Welcome to the 2023 ACN Foundation Policy Fellows

Welcome to the 2023 ACN Foundation Policy Fellows

Despite the assumptions made about the profession, nurses are a critical presence in all areas of society. They are on the front line providing acute care, leading preventative care for our community, providing support for all Australians, and behind the scenes working to ensure we have the latest best practice care. The Australian College of…

Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

Nursing bravery remembered on Anzac Day

April 25, 1916, saw the first Anzac Day commemoration as ceremonies across Australia as soldiers and nurses alike were recognised for their service at Gallipoli. 107 years on and Australian’s still recognise the day as a time to pay tribute to the brave members of our Defence Force who serve our country. There were more…

Four essential skills to nailing your application selection criteria

Four essential tips for nailing your selection criteria

Featured image: VectorMine on Shutterstock That time is approaching. After working diligently through two years of nursing school, you are now conquering your final year before you enter the workforce as a fully-fledged nurse. You have been mastering your placements, signed off all your competencies and finally worked out how to reconstitute antibiotics. You have…

Sharing the dignity among nurses this Dignity Drive

Sharing the dignity among nurses this Dignity Drive

Featured Image: Nurse Educators from the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) Sydney Office with donations to the Share the Dignity Dignity Drive. Source: Sharron Smyth-Demmon MACN Author’s note: readers, please note that this article has mentions of intimate partner and family violence. If you find the content distressing, resources are available at the end of…