Position Statement

Restrictive practices

View Fullscreen More resources Position Statement Palliative and end-of-life care in aged care: A response to the findings of the Royal Commission into aged care quality and safety 1 October 2021 Position Statement The effectiveness of nurse-led interventions in the assessment and management of overweight and obese children and young people 5 March 2020 White…

Policy Paper

Nursing leadership in emissions reduction guiding principles

View Fullscreen Communication on Climate Change and Health Toolkit for health professionals While climate change is a big threat to health, implementing solutions to address climate change presents a huge opportunity to promote better health and protect people from climate-sensitive diseases. Communicating the health risks of climate change and the health benefits of climate solutions…

Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

Australian College of Nursing congratulates the nursing profession’s Australia Day Awards and Honours recipients

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) welcomes the recognition of nurses’ professional and community contributions in the 2022 Australia Day Awards and Honours. More than a dozen nurses were acknowledged for their service, headlined by the Senior Australian of the Year, Canberra nurse and St John Ambulance Volunteer Val Dempsey. ACN CEO Adjunct Professor Kylie…

Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

ACN fears for mental health of nursing workforce

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) has been overwhelmed with feedback from nurses nationally expressing their fears and sharing their levels of exhaustion and stress in response to current pandemic. “ACN is asking the Australian Government, State and Territory Governments, and all who employ nurses, our biggest healthcare workforce, to think about what they can…