Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

A highly skilled nursing workforce will lead Australians into the 22nd century says ACN Pre-Budget Submission

The Australian College of Nursing’s (ACN) 2022/23 Pre-Budget Submission highlights why growing the number of senior clinical registered nurses who meet advanced practice requirements is essential to improving the health of all Australians for generations to come. “There are over 400,000 nurses, making us the largest health workforce nationally and we deliver care across all…

National Nursing Executive Faculty

National Nursing Executive Faculty

The ACN National Nursing Executive Faculty is a closed team bringing together Nursing Executives from across the country. The Faculty has a vision to advance nursing in healthcare through mentorship and leadership of the nursing workforce. VIEW EVENTS & WEBINARS Interested in being part of this faculty? This is a closed Faculty and membership is…

Chief Nursing Informatics Officers Faculty

Chief Nursing Informatics Officers Faculty

The Chief Nursing Informatics Officers Faculty is a closed team bringing together Chief Nursing or Midwifery Informatics Officers and similar executive roles in Nursing Informatics with a vision in leading the transformation of nursing and midwifery care in the digital age to maximise the benefits for the community and advocating for the delivery of excellent…

End-of-Life Care Faculty

End-of-Life Care Faculty

Nurses across all settings are critical to ensuring quality care for those approaching the end of life. The End of Life Care Faculty aims to lead and enhance nurses’ contribution to end of life care by building knowledge, skills, and resources in all aspects of end of life care. Facilitating a network of like-minded Fellows…

First Nations Faculty

First Nations Faculty

ACN members have the opportunity to connect with like-minded nurses around the country who share areas of interest or specialty through the Faculty, enabling members to enhance their knowledge and keep up to date with the latest news, research findings, and opportunities for the identification of best practice and major policy developments. The First Nations…

Next Generation Faculty

Next Generation Faculty

Next Generation Faculty links early career nurses with their peers locally and nationally. As next generation nurses, it is vital that we develop our identity as leaders and drivers of change in our future Australian healthcare system. VIEW EVENTS & WEBINARS Interested in being part of this Faculty? JOIN FACULTY Already part of this Faculty?…

History Faculty

History Faculty

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) History Faculty has been established to facilitate connections for members of the ACN who have an interest in nursing history and historical research with others who have similar interests. It also provides a forum for sharing news, research findings, scholarship, as well as an opportunity to contribute to the…

Enrolled Nurses Faculty

Enrolled Nurses Faculty

The purpose of the Enrolled Nurses Faculty is to give everyone a voice to advocate for change, to contribute to policy matters within our scope of practice, and to represent ACN on external forums, working parties and events. This Faculty, like others is an amazing platform to build on your network that can open doors…

Advanced Practice Faculty

Advanced Practice Faculty

The Advanced Practice Faculty links nurses who have an interest within the field of Advanced Practice nursing. Our aim is to provide opportunities for members to enhance their knowledge and keep up to date with the latest news and research findings, identification of best practice and major policy developments, as well as engage in a…

Military Nursing Faculty

Military Nursing Faculty

The Military Nursing Faculty aims to support the Australian Defence Force (ADF), the Australian Public Service (APS) and contracted nursing staff. The Faculty brings military nurses together to provide strategic advice on policies and positions of ADF nurses. Finally, the Faculty supports the profession of military nurses and encourages engagement with those who have an…