Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

Addressing disrespectful attitudes and behaviours towards Women is everyone’s business. Stop it before it starts.

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) welcomes the Australian Government commitment of $18.8 million third phase of the national campaign to reduce violence against women and their children to mark International Women’s Day. The Stop it at the Start campaign encourages everyone to “unmute” themselves and empowers them to take actions that will have a…

Grad firsts

Grad Firsts – Everyone cries

In the ‘Grad Firsts’ NurseClick Column, Stage Two Emerging Nurse Leader Emma Wright MACN provides personal and honest reflections on her recent experiences as a graduate nurse. The articles, which can be viewed in full here, are a great resource for those at the early stages of their journey through the nursing profession. I remember,…

Policy Paper

Men in nursing guiding principles

View Fullscreen More resources Position Statement Leading digital health transformation: The value of Chief Nursing Information Officer (CNIO) roles 14 July 2020 Position Statement The role of the nurse in the assessment and management of multimorbidity 17 February 2021 Position Statement Modern slavery 5 March 2024 White Paper Nurses are essential in health and aged…

Australian bushfires

What I learned volunteering my nursing skills for disaster relief

By Louise Lommerse MACN  Stage Four ACN Emerging Nurse Leader Since 2017, I have been part of a volunteer organisation called Disaster Relief Australia (DRA). DRA is a veteran-led organisation that rapidly deploys disaster relief teams domestically and internationally. This organisation provides a purpose for veterans, emergency first responders, health professionals and civilians to serve and assist others in times of need.…