Christine Han - NurseClick - Australian College of Nursing

How everyday actions decrease emissions

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) supports all nurses to advocate for and promote sustainable practices within their workplaces and communities. As part of this, we are proud to have an Emissions Reduction Policy Chapter which draws from the expertise of our membership and focuses on how the carbon footprint can be reduced through nursing…

Ruth Timmins

Ruth Timmins: Wound care in the community

Image: Provided.  The Australian College of Nursing’s Nursing in the Community Week aims to raise awareness of how nurses can support our community to stay safe at home, wherever that is. This year, the activities will support nurses in having “A Voice to Lead”, in discussion of topical areas affecting nurses working in our communities.…

Media Release - Australian College of Nursing

Australian College of Nursing supports the requirement for nurses to be vaccinated

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) supports the call for mandatory and consistent COVID-19 vaccination policies for all nurses nationally. Currently each jurisdiction has different requirements for frontline and essential workers, including nurses, for vaccination against COVID-19. Australian College of Nursing Chief Executive Officer, Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward FACN, said that ACN was on the…

Position Statement

Surge workforces

View Fullscreen More resources Position Statement Nursing leadership in managing multimorbidity and COVID-19 24 January 2022 Position Statement Impact of COVID-19 on the nursing profession: managing repercussions, enabling opportunities 6 March 2023 Position Statement Community and primary health care nursing 1 September 2016 Submission Universal access to reproductive healthcare 1 December 2022 Position Statement Surge…

Congratulations to the 2021 Emerging Nurse Leader Program Cohort 

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) congratulates the 41 nurses and nursing students who have completed our 2021 Emerging Nurse Leader (ENL) Program. The prestigious leadership program supports the recognition and development of leadership skills in early career nurses across five stages, empowering individuals with the opportunity to be the very best they can be and lead others with the same…