Janet Forsyth

Stomal nurse leader bids farewell after 60 amazing years

In 1960, soon to be sixteen-year-old Janet Forsyth MACN began her nursing career at Goulburn Base Hospital. On Sunday, Janet will say goodbye to the profession to which she has dedicated 60 years of her life. Her nursing journey is remarkable— from small-town beginnings to becoming one of New South Wales’ most senior stomal therapy nurses, all whilst overcoming challenges and adversities along the way.   Janet spent her first 12 months as a nurse in the pan room in the Children’s Ward at Goulburn Base Hospital on cleaning…

Australian War Memorial in Canberra

Nurse education in Australia: Part 5

By Trish Lowe MACN – ACN Nurse Educator The impact of military service and the emergence of nurse leaders At the commencement of the South African (Boer) War (1899-1902), Australian women responded to the New South Wales and Victorian government requests for a nursing detachment to serve alongside Australian troops (Bessant 1999; Department of Defence,…

The role of nurses in chronic disease prevention and management in rural and remote areas

The role of nurses in chronic disease prevention and management in rural and remote areas

Overview The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) emphasises nurses’ pivotal role in preventing and managing chronic diseases for optimal health outcomes, especially in rural and remote communities where they often serve as the primary healthcare provider. There are many opportunities for nurses to play a greater role in chronic disease prevention and management in rural…

Position Statement

Person-centred care

View Fullscreen More resources Budget Submission ACN’s 2023-2024 Pre-Budget Submission 25 January 2023 Position Statement Voluntary Assisted Dying 20 January 2021 Submission Inquiry into human rights framework 6 July 2023 Position Statement ACN emissions reduction charter 17 June 2021 White Paper Establishing a nurse-led palliative care service in Australia: an implementation toolkit 12 May 2020…

Professor Trisha Dunning AM FACN DLF

COVID-19: Positivity in time of a pandemic

The Australian College of Nursing talks to Trisha Dunning FACN (DLF), Chair in Nursing and Director Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research Barwon Health Partnership, Deakin University, Geelong. Trisha’s prime role is research and like everything else, it too has been impacted by COVID-19. “This includes research grants and recruiting participants, especially in aged…

Climate and Care: Enough (inaction) is enough

Catelyn (the penguin) campaigning against Climate Change on the freezing Hobart streets way back in 2011. Nothing has changed – except the outfit! Welcome to the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) Climate and Health Community of Interest’s (COI) Climate and Care Column: an opportunity for nurses to access inspiration, innovation and information on all topics…

White Paper

Establishing a nurse-led palliative care service in Australia: an implementation toolkit

View Fullscreen More resources Policy Paper Improving health outcomes in rural and remote Australia: Optimising the contribution of nurses 1 December 2018 Budget Submission ACN’s 2023-2024 Pre-Budget Submission 25 January 2023 Policy Paper Nursing leadership in emissions reduction guiding principles 7 February 2022 Submission Universal access to reproductive healthcare 1 December 2022 White Paper The…