History of nurse education in Australia part 3

Nurse education in Australia: Part 3

By Trish Lowe MACN – ACN Nurse Educator The Australasian Trained Nurses Association 1899 By the latter part of the 19th century, nursing was considered a respectable career option for educated women. In response to the rapidly growing population and advances in medical practice, health care provision progressively transitioned from home-based settings, to hospitals. This…

Endometriosis: A new approach

Endometriosis: A new approach

By Erica O’Donoghue MACN Build awareness around the condition and leading research hopeful towards a cure Last year, on 9 April 2019, the National Women’s Health Strategy 2020–2030 was launched with $52.2 million of funding allocated towards keys areas such as ovarian cancer ($20 million), endometriosis ($10 million) and Aboriginal service providers ($9 million) (Liotta).…

The effectiveness of nurse-led interventions in the assessment and management of overweight and obese children and young people

The effectiveness of nurse-led interventions in the assessment and management of overweight and obese children and young people

Overview Approximately one-quarter of Australian children aged 2-17 are overweight or obese, with projections indicating a rise in these figures. Childhood obesity incurs significant costs and can lead to diseases like diabetes and heart conditions early in life. Addressing childhood weight issues is crucial for reducing adult obesity, enhancing life quality, and lowering healthcare expenses.…