Christmas in a neonatal ward

Working Christmas in a neonatal ward

The Disney themed Christmas decorations at Hannah’s workplace Presents, holidays and spending time with family; these are just some of the things we think of when it comes to celebrating Christmas. However, whilst a large portion of the country is putting their feet up and relaxing, nurses across Australia will be on the front-line ensuring…

Study tour scholarship winners announced

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) is delighted to announce that Dr Carey Mather MACN, Paul Gardner MACN, Dr Gillian Ray-Barruel MACN and Janette Webster MACN have been selected as the recipients of our Nursing Study Tour Scholarships. These nurse leaders will receive $5,000 towards attending the Jon Baines Nursing Study Tour to South Africa…

2019 ACN Board Director Election Results

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) congratulates Professor Christine Duffield FACN and Mrs Carmen Morgan FACN for their re-election to our Board and to newly elected Director Associate Professor Georgina Willetts FACN. ACN President Professor Christine Duffield FACN Re-elected ACN President Professor Christine Duffield FACN is an internationally renowned nurse who has worked tirelessly across…

The Power of Community in Nursing

Speakers and guests holding Nursing Now signs at the National Nursing Now Roadshow in Adelaide. Hi! I’m Josh and I am part of the Emerging Nurse Leader (ENL) Program at the Australian College of Nursing (ACN). On Wednesday 13 November I had the privilege of attending the National Nursing Now Roadshow in Adelaide and it…

The Hive - Ethics matters: Ethical dilemmas

Ethics Matters: Ethical dilemmas

By Lexie Brans FACN Welcome back to the second edition of this new column. You will recall from the Winter edition of The Hive, that the intent of this column is to identify issues of concern to the profession (what ‘matters’) and to suggest ethical or philosophical ways of thinking about them. The aim is to…

The Hive - Let's talk mental health

Let’s talk mental health

It is a community health problem and nurses are often the first point of contact men have to talk about it By Helen Storer MACN In April 2019, the Australian Government Department of Health released the National Men’s Health Strategy 2020-2030 (NMHS). There have been some improvements in men’s health over the past 10 years.…

The Hive - Your health, your right

Your health, your right

Our bodies are trying to communicate with us, but are we listening? By Ariel Yokota MACN Women’s health is a vast subject, and yet something that women themselves pay little attention to. Our bodies, right from the time we’re born, are constantly undergoing major changes. Puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and so on. These changes don’t…