Personal and professional goal setting

By ACN Nurse Educator Trish Lowe MACN “The more specific and unambiguous a goal, the more likely it will be achieved.” By now, your 2017 New Year’s resolutions will have been forged or forgotten! They may have been flippantly, or conscientiously, considered and resolved to adopting lifestyle changes, embracing a more positive outlook on life,…

Welcome to your new NurseClick!

We’re excited to relaunch ACN’s monthly e-magazine, NurseClick in blog format. While we’ve loved bringing you the jam-packed PDF e-magazine over the last five years, it’s time to adapt NurseClick to the contemporary online setting. The blog, will remain as NurseClick, and the fantastic, thought-provoking content that we’ve always published on nursing practice, policy developments…

The art of listening

Supporting people who live with diabetes and obesity Leigh Spokes FACN As you begin reading this piece let me first make a disclaimer. It will not contain clinical references or fancy graphs with beautifully gathered statistics. What it will contain is my real life experiences of supporting people with diabetes and obesity. It can be…

Neonatal respiratory outcomes

Combating chronic lung disease in prematurely born infants Trish Lowe MACN, ACN Nurse Educator Of the 310,330 live babies born in Australia in 2014, approximately 91% were born at term (37–41 weeks) and 9% were pre-term (before 37 completed weeks’ gestation) (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2016, p. 4). Premature birth is associated…