Nursing Matters

The power of professional dialogue Elizabeth Matters FACN The first recorded evidence of my ambition to become a nurse was at four years old in one of those school record books, which has pockets to save your school related memorabilia. To be honest, it seems that junior Matters really wanted to be a vet nurse…

My Research Internship

Exploring factors that contribute to ideal cardiovascular health MELANIE ESLICK MACN PARTICIPANT IN THE ACN EMERGING NURSE LEADER PROGRAM STAGE 2 I have a confession for you. Coming to nursing as a mature-aged student, I enrolled in the fast-track Bachelor of Nursing at the University of Tasmania (UTas) not because I had a burning desire to…

Clinical Workplace Education

Finding time for quality clinical education on an acute care cardiothoracic ward Elizabeth Matters MACN Ongoing continuous professional development (CPD) activities for clinical nursing staff are widely regarded as an essential component of quality assurance and risk mitigation, and are a mandated part of the annual requirements to maintain professional registration as a registered or…

The Impress Intervention

A nurse-led hypertension management intervention program in Australian general practice CATHERINE STEPHEN RN (HONS) PHD CANDIDATE AND PROFESSOR ELIZABETH HALCOMB FACN Hypertension is the most frequently seen condition in Australian general practice (Britt H et al, 2015). Of the 4.6 million Australians living with hypertension, many struggle to maintain adequate blood pressure control and are at an increased risk…