ACN advocates for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers to access quality health

ACN ADVOCATES FOR THE RIGHTS OF REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS TO ACCESS QUALITY HEALTH Refugees and asylum seekers often have considerable health needs arising from psychological trauma, nutritional deficiencies, poor oral health status, poorly managed chronic diseases and the physical consequences of torture or sexual abuse. At the National Nursing Forum in Brisbane yesterday, the…

ACN Expert Advisory Group on Ageing announced

ACN Expert Advisory Group on Ageing announced The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) has established an Expert Advisory Group (EAG) on Ageing to support ACN’s advocacy work on issues related to ageing. Driving this need are ongoing aged care workforce concerns, extensive national reforms in aged care and emerging issues associated with ageing. ACN’s President Carmen Morgan says, “The…

Community and Primary Health Care Nursing – a key partner for governments

Community and Primary Health Care Nursing – a key partner for governments In a position statement released today during Community and Primary Health Care Nursing Week (21-27 September 2015), ACN (Australian College of Nursing) identifies the need for primary health care policy and funding allocations to address the changing health profile of Australia’s population and identifies nursing as…

Australian Border Force Act conflicts with Code of Professional Conduct for nurses and midwives

Australian Border Force Act conflicts with Code of Professional Conduct for nurses and midwives Australia’s key professional nursing and midwifery bodies are expressing their serious concern about the secrecy provisions in the Australian Border Force Act 2015. The Act threatens jail for up to two years for health care professionals who disclose information that is deemed ‘protected information’…

Nursing organisations support the release of children from immigration detention

Nursing organisations support the release of children from immigration detention Australian College of Nursing (ACN) and Maternal Child and Family Health Nurses Australia (MCaFHNA) welcome the release of The Forgotten Children report, by the Australian Human Rights Commission, and its recommendations. The report states unequivocally that detaining children in immigration detention centres is detrimental to their health. Findings show…